The comedian-actor Kapil Sharma returns to the screen with the sequel to Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon (2015). After months of searching, the makers have found the leading lady in television actor Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, marking her debut in Hindi films. Nimrrit Kaur Ahluwalia is now believed to be stepping into Bollywood with the much-awaited sequel to Kapil Sharma’s blockbuster comedy Kis Kis Ko Pyar Karoon 2. Known for her immense popularity amongst television fans, her fans have long awaited Nimrit to make her Bollywood debut.
Nimrrit Kaur Ahluwalia to star alongside Kapil Sharma in Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon 2
Director Anukalp Goswami kicked off the shoot yesterday, with Ahluwalia set to join the crew in February. The team has planned a two-month-long schedule spanning Mumbai and international locations. Well, a source from the industry says about this development, “There have been discussions about Nimrrit Kaur Ahluwalia joining the cast of Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon 2. While nothing has been finalized yet, her name has certainly come up as a strong contender. Given her popularity and charm, she would be a great addition to the film’s ensemble cast.”
If this is true then Nimrrit may join the much-awaited sequel, which promises to be a laughter-filled ride with an ensemble cast. Fans are thrilled at the prospect of seeing Nimrit in a new avatar, especially in a genre like comedy.
About Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon
The film Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon was Kapil Sharma’s debut film which was loved by the masses. With its light-hearted humour, catchy music, and entertaining performances, Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon became a family favourite. Under the Venus Worldwide Entertainment banner, Ratan Jain, Ganesh Jain, and Abbas-Mustan are producing the film in collaboration with Abbas Mustan Film Production. Kapil Sharma’s signature wit is sure to be back in this comedic adventure, and fans can’t wait.
Kapil reunites with the renowned combo Abbas-Mustan, who directed the first film, for this one. Their last work together was a hilarious riot, so viewers can’t wait for the magic to happen again. Manjot Singh, renowned for his superb comic timing, has joined the cast this time around. The sequel is sure to be an even bigger hit with its blend of experienced comedy and new vitality.